2024-2025 Important Dates

September 5th—Back to School Meeting for all Parents 

September 10th—First Day of School 

November 25th-29th Thanksgiving Vacation No School 

December 23rd-January 3rd  Christmas Vacation No School (School Resumes Tuesday, January 7th) 

January 16th- Last Day of First Semester  

January 21st- First Day of Second Semester 

March 24th- March 28th – Spring Vacation No School 

May 22nd – Last Day of School

Middle School

(Full Curriculum)

Grades 6-8

Registration for Fall Opening April 2024


High School Classes Offered for 9th - 12th Grade:

(Classes meet three days a week on Tuesday - Thursday)

2024-2025 Class Offerings Will Include

Bible (8:45-9:15)

Biology (9:20-10:20)

Biology is a foundational science course in which students study the science of "life". This course provides both the knowledge and laboratory skills that are foundational to the study of life. Concepts covered in this course include a review of the scientific method, the use of the microscope, techniques required for laboratory dissections, theories of life including evolution and creationism, characteristics of living organisms, biological classification, ecology, cell structure and function, cellular energy, DNA and, genetics, viruses, protists and fungi, plant diversity and reproduction, plant structure and function, and the biology of various types of animals. Students will engage in hands on labs and will learn how to record and report their data.

Literature (10:25-11:25)

This class will cover literature from the same time period of the US History class (1850 to 2000). Students will gain a foundation of literary terms and devices and learn how to recognize the many literary devices found in the books they are reading. Attention will be given to exploring how authors utilize such devises to effectively communicate.

Writing and Rhetoric (11:30-12:30)

This class will develop students’ communication skills by focusing on research and writing as well as delivering well- crafted speeches.

Lunch/Activities: (12:30-1:15)

History (1:15-2:15)

This class will cover the time period from 1850 to 2000. Students will learn about the American Civil War, Reconstruction, Industrial Revolution, Turn of the Century, WWI, Communism, Socialism, Nazism, WWII, Korean War, Cold War, China's Cultural Revolution, Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, and the modern technology era.  Students will read some of the best literature written about this time period. Emphasis will be given to critical thinking and analysis.

Study Hall (2:20-3:15)

This will be a time for quite study and getting homework help from one of our high school teachers.

REGISTRATION Opening April 2024

Elementary School

(Full Curriculum)

Grades 3-5

Registration Opening April 2024